Saturday, 3 February 2018

Timothy D Snyder - "Bloodlands" cytaty

Timothy Snyder - "Bloodlands"
wyd. By Basic Books, 2010
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publishing Data
ISBN 978-0-465-00239-9

Moje recenzje "Skrwawionych ziem|" są dostępne na LC (skrócona) i moim blogu (pełna)

Wybitne dzieło Snydera jest mało w Polsce czytane (LC 8,22 (192 ocen i 40 opinii)), a więc spopularyzować je warto.

Akurat PW oddał mnie "Bloodlands", a że obecne wydarzenia w Polsce skłaniają do opublikowania paru cytatów w oryginale, które w myśl nowej "ustawy", stawiają hołubionego w Polsce Snydera w stan oskarżenia o kłamstwa przeciw "jedynej prawdzie" o Polsce i Polakach, to przystepuję do roboty, a ty, Tymotek, nie jedź do Polski, bo 5 lat więzienia to nie przelewki!

Zaczynam od paradoksu, jakim była ucieczka Żydów z Polski do byłych "nazistowskich obozów koncentracyjnych", w celu schronienia się przed polskimi pogromami (s. 352):

"..Jews who tried to return home were often greeted with distrust and violence. Some Poles were perhaps also afraid that Jews would claim property that they had lost diring the war, because Poles had, in one way or another, stolen it from them... postwar Poland, Jews were beaten and killed and threaten to such an extent that most survivors decided to leave... ...Polish Jews first went to Germany to displaced persons camps. The voluntary movement of Holocaust survivors to Germany was not only a melancholy irony.,, ..It was very dangerous to be a Jew in postwar Poland..."

Snyder pisząc o okupowanej Polsce nawiązuje do sławnego wiersza Miłosza (s. 290):

"...The Polish poet Czesław Miłosz recorded the Christian holiday from the other side of the ghetto walls, recalling in his poem "Campo di Fiori" that people rode the carousel at Krasinski Suare, just beyond the ghetto wall, as the Jews fought and died. "I thought then", wrote Miłosz, "of the loneliness of the dying". The merry-go-merry ran every day, throughout the uprising. It became the symbol of Jewish isolation: Jews died in their own city, as Poles beyond the walls of the ghetto lived and laughed. Many Poles did not care what happened to the Jews in the ghetto..."

To teraz pokażę, co lubiany w Polsce Snyder pisze o stosunku do Żydów AK, nie nacjonalistów z NSZ, a naszych chłopców z AK, bo dlaczego ich zachowanie miałoby się różnić, od skrajnego antysemityzmu szalejącego w Polsce, po śmierci Piłsudskiego (s. 293):

"...Despite its promises to do so, the Home Army never organized a Jewish unit from veterans of the Warsaw Gheto Uprising, Over the course of 1943, units of the Home Army sometimes shot armed Jews in the countryside as bandits. In a few cases, Home Army soldiers killed Jews in order to steal their property...."

Słyszę w TVP o 6 mln Polaków, w tym 3 mln Polak Nie – Żydów, którzy mieli zginąć w czasie II w.św. Skonfrontujmy to ze Snyderem (s. 406):

"....Despite its tremendous losses, Poland, too, exemplifies the politics of inflated victimhood. Poles are taught that siź million Poles and Jews were killed during the war. This number seems to have been generated in December 1946 by a leading Stalinist, Jakub Berman... ...4,8 million, is probably closer to the truth. Ths is still of course a titanic figure. Poland probably lost about a million non-Jewish civilians to the Germans and about a hundred thousands more to the Soviets... .....a jew in Poland was about fifteen times more likely to be deliberately killed during the war than a non-Jewish Pole... ....Of the more than four million Polish citizens murdered by the Germans, about three million were Jews. All of these three million Jews are counted as Polish citizens, which they were. Many of them identified strongly with Poland; certain people who dieg as Jews did not even consider themselves as such....."

To tylko mała próbka tego, co wypisuje amerykański historyk nagradzany w Polsce. No comment!!!

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